Bespoke Fiduciary Account (BFA)

The Bespoke Fiduciary Account (“BFA”) is a product that allows you to place funds on fixed term deposit.

Currently this service is only available for GBP, EUR and USD.

There is a minimum deposit of £1M or currency equivalent.

Deposits are placed with a third-party Recipient Bank.

Deposits cannot be amended or broken once placed.

There is a fee charged by Capital International Bank for arranging this service which will be taken at the time the placement is made.

Interest will be credited upon maturity and in full. Capital International Bank does not take any margin.

Capital International Bank has no credit or liquidity risk in relation to any Fiduciary Deposit and funds are placed at the client’s sole risk.

Full details and the Terms & Conditions are available on Capital International Bank’s website.

How to arrange a BFA

A BFA is an account against which all your fixed term deposit deals will be recorded. The opening of a BFA account needs to be completed in advance of you placing funds on fixed term deposit deal.

To do this you will need access to Secure Messages and your Mandate Administrator needs to grant you Correspondence Authority permissions.

Please note: any individual issued with Correspondence Authority can instruct a BFA arrangement, without restriction, on behalf of the client. It is not possible to restrict access by request type.

To create a new request, you need to:

  1. Navigate to Secure Messages - which can be found in your main navigation menu.
  2. Press the New Request button.
  3. Select the request type ‘Additional bank account request’
  4. Fill in the request details: Select ‘Bespoke Fiduciary Account’ from the Product Type drop-down, input GBP, EUR or USD into the Product Currency field and send the request.

Once you have done this, we will send you the Product Terms & Conditions which you will agree to via Secure Messages. When these are returned, we will arrange for the account to be opened and we will confirm this back to you. Please note that whilst you may be called by our Treasury Team, all confirmations and instructions will be through Secure Messages. If you get an email that looks like a message from our team, you should treat it as suspicious.

Receiving a rate and placing funds:

  • Navigate to Secure Messages - which can be found in your main navigation menu.
  • Press the New Request button.
  • Select the ‘Request a deposit quote’ request type and Client.
  • Fill in the request details and send the request.

You will then receive a message back from our Treasury Team which will detail:

  • Recipient Bank
  • Principle Amount
  • Rate
  • Term / Maturity Date
  • Fees

If you are happy with the quote, you should reply detailing the Recipient Bank you wish to place funds with.

You will then receive back a deal confirmation and your account will be debited with the principal and fee.  

How to view your Fixed Term BFA deals

BFA Deals can be viewed on your Accounts List screen in VELTA by clicking the ellipsis and selecting 'View deposits'.

To view further information relating to the BFA deal, click the Deal Reference number.

What happens on maturity?

On the maturity date, once funds are received from the Recipient Bank, principal and interest will be repaid to your CTA account.

Please note that if funds are not received from the Recipient Bank prior to the CTA cut-off, they will be credited the following working day.

If you wish to re-place your funds with the same Recipient Bank you should follow the process detailed in the section Receiving a rate and placing funds ahead of cut-off time.

Thank you for your interest in setting up Terms of Business with the Capital International Group (CIG).  We want to ensure that this process runs smoothly and efficiently and have included an infographic below which details the various steps involved:  
Click on the links below to take you to the relevant section of the guide:

Information on the Bespoke Fiduciary Account.